11 & 12 Feb 2026
NEC Birmingham

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Phillip Fenton, Lead packaging and recycling adviser, British Glass

Phil leads on the recycling agenda for British Glass including the upcoming recycling reforms and platform lead for the UK Close the Glass Loop industry led commitment to achieve a 90% collected for recycling rate for glass by 2030. Before joining British Glass in 2020 Phil worked on recycling policy in Parliament. British Glass is the representative body for the UK glass industry representing manufacturers of glass packaging, flat glass and fibre glass.

Explore Three focused stages

Supply Chain

A view of end-to-end supply chain processes, from Packaging Innovations, Empack, Contract Pack & Fulfilment, to label & print, software systems, and more.
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Innovation & Design

Our continued Packaging innovations hub of expert design perspectives, with a view to the most innovative and future-forward concepts.
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Circular Economy

Can sustainability in packaging be defined by the objective to move toward a circular economy? Experts consider key elements of production, consumption, and waste management.
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