Marketing made easy

Packaging Innovation & Empack’s marketing team work closely with key media, speakers, associations and exhibitors across the packaging , empack and contract pack sectors, using a wide variety of marketing channels to support and elevate brand awareness to the community!

Extensive email campaign to a database exceeding

0 K
industry professionals database

Comprehensive PR coverage, encompassing press releases, interviews, Q&As and blogs, reaching over

0 K
industry professionals database

Drive over

0 K
industry professionals database

How we connect with our audience

Tracked registration link

Your unique registration URL allows you to track who has registered to see you at the show. Add it to your email signature, use it on social media and send it to clients directly.

Buttons and banners

You can download buttons & banners to add to your email, website and social media along with a personalised banner including your stand number.

Customisable HTML code

We have created an HTML email so you can promote your stand easily through your own email system.

VIP invitations

We will invite on your behalf your clients/prospects to attend as your VIP guest. These will appear as it is coming from you and this will be a great way of getting customers to attend the event.

PR Exposure

Our team can help you get free editorial through our partnered press outlets pre-and-post event. Expand your reach and let the packaging community know about your annoucnements.

Secure Mailing

Easyfairs will send up to 100 personalised invitations on your behalf, to your UK database, free of charge through our mailing house.


Our team of expert telemarketers can contact up to 100 of your top clients. Simply send us your list and we invite can them to the show on your behalf.

Digital Marketing Exposure

You can benefit from the Easyfairs Packaging community, find out what digital marketing opportunities are available for you to share your company news, product launches and announcements across our digital channels.

Beware of fake list vendors and similar scams!

Easyfairs draws your attention to fraudulent offers of list data and other services” that you may receive via unsolicited emails. If you receive such a communication, it is certainly fraudulent and does not come from Easyfairs.

Easyfairs never sells visitor data to third parties. The data provided by these companies is, most of the time, either inaccurate, incomplete, of poor quality or even fake and/or have been gathered or acquired in contravention of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Any use that such companies make of the name Easyfairs, Packaging Innovations, Empack, Contract pack & fulfillment, without our authorisation and is illegal.

Please do not respond to these emails. On no account should you make any payments to the companies behind them.

Please inform Easyfairs if you receive any such solicitations so we can warn others.

James Montero MacColl

Senior Marketing Manager

+44 (0)20 3196 4428

Naomi Stewart

Marketing Manager

+44 (0)20 3196 4255


Georgina Kantor

Marketing Execvutive

+44 (0)20 3196 4392

Carolina Garcia Porras

Marketing Assistant

+44 (0)20 3875 4662


Martha Lindsay

Marketing Intern

+44 (0)20 3793 1376

Jasmine Negoro

Marketing Intern

+44 (0)20 3793 0082


Contact the Marketing Team