Innovation & Design Stage

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Alors que nous évoluons d’année en année, notre mission reste la même. La Paris Packaging Week est passionnée par la promotion et la célébration de l’innovation du packaging pour les marchés de la beauté, du luxe, des boissons et des PGC.
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Explore the timetable
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Innovation & Design
Our continued Packaging innovations hub of expert design perspectives, with a view to the most innovative and future-forward concepts.
At the heart of innovations in packaging, is design. Expect future trend predictions, examples of innovative pack designs, and new materials & sciences, from key industry experts leading the way in changing the way we produce and consume product packaging.
Scroll down to view the full Innovation & Design timetable.
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Explore the Innovation & Design Timetable
Sessions in detail
Discover the sessions at the Innovation & Design Stage in detail
Sessions in detail
Discover the sessions at the Innovation & Design Stage in detail
Day 1
15 Feb 2022
Day 2
16 Feb 2022
Meet the experts sharing their knowledge on the Design & Innovation Stage.
Register today!
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