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Tesco adopts paper packaging for pocket tissues

Tesco is replacing the plastic packaging for its own-brand pocket tissue multipacks with recyclable paper in hopes of saving over 55 million pieces of soft plastic.

Because pocket tissues are designed for the use on the go, Tesco thinks their packaging is more likely to end up in the environment, in response they are changing the packaging into FSC-certified paper packs rather than plastic.

This move aims to save almost 35 tonnes of new plastic from being produced each year.

“Unlike boxes of tissues, the pocket version tends to be used on the go and can all too easily become litter,” said Courtney Pallett, campaigns manager at Tesco. “The new paper packaging works just as well as the old plastic wrap but is more sustainable.”

Tesco previously adopted clear caps for its milk to help with home recycling, the end goal of this idea was to put 3,900 extra tones of recycled plastic back into the loop every year.

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