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Latest news from Packaging Innovations & Empack

Colpac provides accessible sustainability credentials for packaging across mulitple countries

Colpac is providing easily accessible sustainability credentials for its paperboard food packaging. This helps end users in making informed decisions, as well as informing Colpac customers or recycling and composting information so they can align their choices with sustainability goals.

QR codes containing specific recycling instructions are printed on their packaging, this information is available for national recycling schemes in the UK, France, and Italy.

The QR codes are linked to dynamic webpages, these pages host more detailed information than can be printed on packaging and can be updated with new legislation as it is released. The credentials can also be located via product pages on Colpac’s website.

Colpac’s solution to the complexities of differing legislation

Colpac sells its packaging in over 60 countries, all of which with different recycling and sustainability legislations, meaning there is no single instruction for each piece of packaging. Fortunately, these QR codes provide a central location for accessing such legislations.

“Customers and end-users are more concerned than ever about wanting to dispose of their packaging responsibly. We hope that this will support consumers in recycling or composting our packaging,” said Talia Goldman – ESG manager at Colpac.

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Latest news from Packaging Innovations & Empack