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Berry Global unveils customisable plastic cups for reuse foodservice systems

Berry Global is launching a range of premium quality reusable plastic cups for the foodservice industry, citing demand for alternative solutions to single-use packaging.

A recent study highlighted that reusability is seen as an important influence by 43% of consumers. Although reusable and refillable have been slow to take off, the market intelligence leader indicates that consumer belief in the long-term sustainability remains strong.

The Berry cup range combines reusability with a premium feel and high-impact branding opportunities and will be available in various sizes as well as being suitable for on-site and takeaway requirements.

Design features

The cups are said to be durable and have a ‘reusable feel’, as well as being dishwasher safe and have inside stacking ‘rim and ribs’ with smooth curves for improved cleaning.

This is aimed to help them retain their premium quality despite the level of usage and the stackable design is to help with reducing the space they take up. The hot cups feature an insulated material to help keep the beverage within hot.

The cup has been designed to offer full customisation to help elevate customer experience. “We aimed to create a range of plastic cups that is not only reusable but also serves as a canvas for customised expressions for individual businesses,” says Emma Gundersen, product designer at Berry Superfos.

Connected technologies

These cups can incorporate an RFID chip or QR code to provide additional customer engagement. A recent study revealed that 77% of consumers are now interested in engaging with connected packaging technologies on-pack via their smartphones.

While these technologies were mainly implemented to boost consumer-brand engagement and help with big data collection for targeted marketing, they’re now being employed to help with circularity and inclusivity.

“The Berry Cup Range is an example of how we help our customers reduce waste and minimise their environmental footprint and use of virgin materials,” says Josef Bjorck, vice president of Berry CPI Food Service.

The Berry Cup range is available in 250ml and 500ml sizes for hot drinks and soups and 250ml, 400ml and 500ml sizes for cold drinks.

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Latest news from Packaging Innovations & Empack