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Latest news from Packaging Innovations & Empack

DS Smith research shows consumer concern for over-packaging & recycling

 26% of online shoppers would stop ordering from a company if they experience too much unnecessary packaging, according to new detailed research.

These findings also showed 22% would do the same if the packaging was not recyclable or difficult to recycle. Consumers indicated a strong preference for sustainable and recyclable packaging, with 4 in 5 saying they would prefer to receive a product in paper or cardboard packaging.

Other stats are that 21% would be willing to pay more for plastic-free packaging and 68% said they have a better perception of a company’s sustainability commitments if they received their product in sustainable packaging rather than plastic.

A key concern for consumers was the recyclability of packaging, 69% of the study cited this as a priority, while 25% would consider paying more for easy to recycle packaging. A dislike for overpackaging is also to be recognised with 45% of online shoppers claiming minimal packaging is important to them.

Overall, the report warns against neglecting the importance of packaging, which can lead to a decrease in repeat business and may tarnish a brand’s image.

Anne Curtis, e-commerce business unit lead for UK Packaging at DS Smith, said: “Sustainability is clearly top of their [consumers’] list of priorities. This means high-quality packaging that is either recyclable or reusable, while also reducing any unnecessary waste.”

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